
Sunday 5 January 2014

A Grand Day Out

Yesterday It is was four days into the new year and it was still raining constantly over this sceptre'd isle and it showed no sign of abating in the near future. The authorities have been advising people not to travel unless really necessary as many areas of the country are either under water or in danger of being flooded. However Mrs C and I had an important appointment and despite the dire warnings of impending doom we had every intention of keeping it. You see, we were going to visit the country home of Her Majesty the Queen.

Our destination was Windsor Castle and yesterday was chosen for our visit some weeks ago by dear friends of ours who had bought us tickets as a surprise Christmas present. Not wishing to disappoint either them or her Majesty (or waste the tickets) we decided to risk life and limb and brave the elements. So leaving Little dog snoring in her basket we set off on the fifty mile journey from deepest darkest East Sussex to Royal Berkshire in our trusty old automobile.

The rain poured down continuously throughout our journey and streams of water washed across many of the country roads. On the motorways our visibility was greatly reduced by spray from heavy lorries, but undeterred we pressed on, after all we didn't wish to disappoint her Majesty (It turned out that she was still in Sandringham, never mind).

Windsor is a bustling tourist town on the south bank of the River Thames about thirty miles west of London dominated by its magnificent castle, our destination. The town and castle look splendid even on a wet and dreary January day. The only thing that mars there splendour is the loud noise of jet aircraft overhead (Why did they build the castle so close to Heathrow airport)? Still a little aircraft noise and a bit of rain wasn't going to spoil our grand day out.

The castle was still decorated for the festive season with holly wreaths festooning all the lamp posts and christmas trees visible through the windows of the private apartments. The medieval fortifications, towers and buildings were very impressive and awe inspiring. Surrounding the Round Tower is a moat, long since filled in and now containing a lovely sunken garden with a series of water falls and ornate pond. Despite the weather I was able to take a few pictures.

Our tour included visiting Queen Mary's Dolls House, a miniature version of a 1920's Grand Society house complete with electric lights and running water, even the plates on the dining table were made of real silver. The State Apartments containing many fine pieces of furniture and works of art and St Georges Chapel, all of which were magnificent. There was also an exhibition of paintings and drawings by members of the Royal Family which were really impressive. Unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures as photography is banned inside of the buildings.

Mrs C and I had a brilliant day out at the castle despite the inclement weather and we are already planning a return visit sometime in the summer.

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