
Sunday 23 February 2014

A few pictures of the floods in East Sussex

According to the News Channels on the television and radio we have just experienced the wettest winter in England since records began in 1905. So far in February we have apparently suffered a months amount of rainfall in two days and there is still one week left until the end of the month.

It is very wet here in the South of England, but luckily in East Sussex we have got away quite lightly. We haven't suffered the floods that they have had in the South West and the Thames Valley, thank God.

I've been out and about with my camera taking pictures of the flooded fields in and around the area that I live using HDR or High Dynamic Range Photography. By taking three separate exposures of each scene and blending them together, the pictures have more depth to them. They are not flat, washed out or too dark like a single exposure can often be but appear closer to what is seen by the human eye.

Yesterday the sun came out at last after six weeks of rain and storms and it was like a spring day here in the South East. Unfortunately though we are set for more wind and rain during the coming week, however after that the weather is going to settle down apparently. It could be worse though, we could be up to our eyeballs in snow and ice with below freezing temperatures like our American Cousins. Anyway, meanwhile I hope that you all enjoy the photos.

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