
Sunday 22 December 2013

More wet on the Forest

I've been extremely busy in the past couple of weeks, working and  preparing for Christmas so Little dog and I have not had much time to visit the Forest. We are also experiencing pre christmas gales in Sunny Sussex with gusting winds and constant rain. Most of the local rivers have broken their banks and spread across their flood plains, luckily there has been very little flooding to homes and properties.

 The Forest is very wet and boggy underfoot so there are fewer visitors which is just the way that I like it. Hopefully we will get some freezing weather soon which will make it even more enchanting.

In the mean time here are some photographs of the Forest to bring back happy memories of recent walks to keep me going until after the festive season when Little dog and I will be out and about again. So have a great Christmas everybody from Little dog and me.

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