
Saturday 12 April 2014

Mad Bag Lady and Man Flu

It's official! Little dog has finally turned into a 'Mad Bag Lady'. She has now reached the grand old age of thirteen and half years and is starting to show her age (apart from when I take her for a walk when she reverts back to being a young girl). She has also become very grumpy. Each evening at about 8:30 p.m. for no particular reason she will stand in front of me and bark incessantly for several minutes before crashing out in her bed.

On top of this her bladder is not what it used to be, every night I am woken up in the early hours to let her out for a pee. Mrs C could let her out but she has perfected the art of feigning deep sleep and not hearing (ignoring) Little dog's frantic barking. When out on the Forest she has the habit of wading up to her middle in the muddiest puddles that she can find taking on the appearance of a drowned rat (That's Little dog, not Mrs C).

As a result of all these early morning visits to the garden wearing only my dressing gown I am now suffering from sleep deprivation. I have also caught a chill which has brought me down with a dose of Man Flu, and everybody who has suffered, knows how serious this malady can be. Never mind though because the sun is shining and the bag lady is insisting on going for her walks. So I've been a brave little soldier and dosed myself up with vitamin C and Lemsip and we have been out and about on the Forest again.

Yesterday we followed the path alongside a steep sided gorge with a small brook, down the valley towards the Airman's grave. It was quite muddy and slippery underfoot and the path was edged with short growing gorse plants. Watching Little dog mince her way through these prickly little plants was quite amusing until on a particularly muddy section she pulled rather sharply on her lead causing me to fall over. It wasn't quite so amusing when I landed in the prickly gorse. All the larger gorse plants were in full bloom, it was such a beautiful sight to see the Forest carpeted in brilliant yellow flowers set against a bright blue sky with cotton wool clouds..

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